あくら: February 2013


Monday 25 February 2013



Mau share tentang book trailer CP2 nih. Here we go!

Tahukah kalian? Yang memerankan tokoh Jem Carstairs di CP2 ini adalah Yoshi Sudarso (Indonesia banget kan namanya^^). Cowo tampan satu ini keturunan Cina-Indonesia. Dia cukup lama tinggal di Indonesia. Tahun 1997 dia baru pindah ke US. Dan ia juga adalah orang yang ramah lho! Aku aja dibales tweetnya. Seneng banget deh. Hihi. 

Kalau mau tau twitternya, silahkan follow @Yoshistunts. Dan kalau kalian suka TMI, TDI, and TID follow juga @TMIndo.. ^^

Well, ini adalah biodata Yoshi/Yoshua Sudarso.

Born : 
April 12, 1989 Jakarta, Indonesia

Height :
5' 10.5'' (1.79 m)

Star Sign :

Yoshua "Yoshi" Sudarso is an ethnically Chinese Indonesian native who moved to the U.S. in 1997 with his family at the age of 9 to escape the religious riots between the Muslims and the Christians. Now 21, he currently attends college, though he and his younger brother, Peter, had rough beginnings as they were enrolled in school at a later time and learned English through The Cartoon Network. As non-native English speakers, they even faced bullying up until high school.
"I use the negativity that people throw at me to turn it into motivation to grow and be a better version of myself, and of course, I ask for God's help because I can't do this on my own," says Yoshi. "I can't wait to see where He takes me in my life."

In the works
Yoshi has a full plate with stunts, modeling, cheer, dancing and acting, among some of his many "hobbies". He just finished Cal State Long Beach's musical version of Nine, walked the runway for the 2nd annual Freedom and Fashion show, and stunt-doubled for the Blue Lightspeed Power Ranger, Mike Chaturantabut. "These are my recent projects, but I'm always working on my own stuff, too: filming with friends and doing student films to get closer to my goal."

Life's mission
He takes on a real-life Power Ranger role because he'd like to eventually morph stunt doubling and acting into an action star career.

Just as high as his kicks, he aims to be at the same level as Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan who's infitrated into Hollywood. "I have many figures that I look up to, but the main one has got to be Jackie Chan, as cliche as that is. He is so diverse and creative, just to be able to work with him would be amazing."

"Don't ever give up. Every time you fail, it's a chance to grow and make yourself better. Learn from it and stay positive!"

Monday 18 February 2013


Baru selesai baca bukunya, pikiranku ga bisa lepas. Selalu terbayang Ethan dan Lena. Kisah cinta mereka sungguh mengharukan. Tapi sayangnya, di Indonesia belum ada kabar sama sekali. Mudah-mudahan aja ditayangin. Jadi ingin baca kelanjutannya, Beautiful Darkness. Dan sekali lagi, di toko buku sepertinya ga ada. Sedihnya nasibku u.u

Di filmnya, Ethan Wate diperankan oleh Alden Ehrenreich. Ga sabar ingin nonton filmnya. Still waiting Casters !!